Writing an application for Isis to a brand-new game on Dreamwidth, the third-person sample indicated I should write a scenario set in her own world. It was supposed to only be 250 words or so.
I'm finally playing a canon Malik again somewhere (Route29 on Dreamwidth) and it's made me realize I have NO IDEA where all my manga notes went
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I've been making promises left and right for more of the Egypt AU, and it's coming (I'm editing like the wiiiind…) but here's - still a female Ryou, and still Egypt - but not the same time frame. XD
Title: Keeping This Tomb Author: made-in-wonder Theme: #02, secret sin Fandom: Yugioh Pairing: Malik Ishtar/Isis Ishtar Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. Incest here implied more than outright, but. Siblings. Yeah.
Challenge Name and Number: #030, “Cards” Drabble Title: Piece of the Sky Word Count: 597 Warnings (if applicable): n/a Pairings (if applicable): n/a Summary: Some tombkeepers' rituals are kept secret even from their leader.